Is Composite Decking An Environmentally Friendly Option?

In the modern day, the environmental impact of the products we use has become increasingly important. As climate change has become a reality, consumers are more and more concerned with lessening their carbon footprints and reducing waste.

If you’re thinking of purchasing composite decking for a project then you probably have similar concerns. You want to make sure that you’re choosing the most environmentally-friendly option available.

So, is composite decking an environmentally-friendly option?

In this article, we’re going to take a deep dive into the environmental friendliness of composite decking. We’re also going to take a look at the environmental impacts of other decking materials to see how they compare to composite decking.


What Is Composite Decking Made Of?

The reason that our composite decking materials are environmentally-friendly is that they’re made with recycled plastic and reclaimed wood fibres. Using this mix means that composite decking boards are highly durable, long-lasting and water-resistant.

It also means that they have less impact on the environment than other decking materials.

However, not all composite decks are as environmentally-friendly and some companies’ products only contain 80% recycled materials. Our composite decking is made using up to 95% recycled materials and all of our wood is certified by the FSC.

Being certified by the FSC means that all of the wood we use in our composite decking must come from responsible and sustainable sources. This greatly contributes to the eco-friendliness of our composite decking products.


How Environmentally-Friendly Is Composite Decking? Pros & Cons

There are many reasons why composite decking is the most environmentally-friendly option but as with all materials, there are also some slight downsides to it as well.

However, the positives outweigh the negatives and building a composite deck could be one of the ways in which you contribute to a more sustainable future for the environment.



  • Felled trees – the wood that’s used to make composite decking is recycled which means no trees have to be felled to make it. This contributes to the preservation of forests and limits the environmental impact of composite deck boards.
  • Reduced waste – as composite decking is made from reclaimed wood and recycled plastics that are normally difficult to recycle the amount of waste that goes to landfills or is released into the environment is reduced.
  • Longevity – composite decking has a much longer lifespan than wood decking due to the materials that are used to make it. This means that they need to be replaced less frequently which leads to a reduction in the energy and material inputs required to make new decking. This also means that there is less scrapped material going to landfills as there is when timber decking is replaced.
  • Fewer chemicals – composite decking is very low-maintenance and doesn’t need to be stained or sealed as natural wood decking does. The only maintenance it requires is an occasional cleaning with soap and water. This reduces the number of harmful chemicals that enter the soil and water from staining and sealing products.
  • Recyclability – Ecoscape will be the first company in Europe to have an afterlife option, once our composite products have been used and are no longer needed, the customer will be able to return the boards to Ecoscape where we will reuse to create products such as wall partitioning boards, substructure and pallet components.



  • Repurposing limitations – as with wood decking, composite decking boards need to be cut before they’re installed. This leads to a number of short lengths of decking that are too short to be used to build composite decks. Although they can be repurposed for certain things such as birdhouses, coasters, outdoor furniture and planters, there will inevitably be some short lengths that will go to waste.


Is Composite As Environmentally-Friendly As Other Decking Materials?

There are other decking materials such as wood decking, UPVC decking and aluminium decking that have certain environmentally-friendly properties as well. However, when compared to composite decking their disadvantages are much greater and they don’t really stack up.

Although none of these other materials can claim to be as environmentally-friendly as composite decking let’s take a close look at their pros and cons to see how they compare.


Wood pros & cons


  • Easy disposal – natural wood decomposes quickly meaning it is easier to dispose of than other materials such as plastic decking. It also means that it costs less to dispose of wood than it does for other materials.
  • Resource replenishment – although trees must be felled in order to produce wood decking, trees are not a finite resource and can be replanted and sustainably harvested for an indefinite amount of time. This is especially true for companies that only use FSC-certified wood to make their products.
  • Recycling and reclaiming – if there is wood decking left over after building a wood deck there are many uses for it. It can be repurposed for building other things such as garden furniture, fences, bird homes, as well as many other projects. When its service life comes to an end it can even be used as fuel to generate electricity or can be ground into mulch. It can also be burned in fire pits as long as it is free of coatings or preservatives.
  • Sequestering of carbon – if companies source their wood in a sustainable way then it actually means that more trees are planted than are cut down. This leads to more carbon being sequestered from the environment by trees which can help to slow down climate change.



  • Deforestation – although many rainforests and old-growth forests are now legally protected in order to prevent deforestation there is still unsustainable harvesting of trees that takes place. The best way to ensure that the wood you purchase is responsibly sourced is to check that the supplier you use is FSC-certified.
  • Harmful chemicals – the vast majority of timber that’s used in wood decking is pressure-treated wood. Although it’s fairly cheap to buy it comes with a few negatives. One of them is that the insecticides and anti-rot chemicals that are infused into the wood are damaging to the environment and can be detrimental to your health. This means that pressure-treated wood should never be burned. It also means that if it goes to a landfill at the end of its service life these chemicals may eventually be released into the environment.
  • Maintenance chemicals – unlike composite decking, wood decking needs regular maintenance to prevent it from rotting and developing mould. The stainers, sealers and chemical cleaners that are used to do this are harmful to the environment and can easily find their way into the water table.


UPVC pros & cons


  • Maintenance – as with composite decking, UPVC decking requires little maintenance and doesn’t need to be stained or sealed as natural wood decking does.This means that once it’s installed no more chemicals need to be added to it which would be released into the environment.
  • Deforestation – as plastic decking is made without the use of wood no trees need to be felled for it to be created. Although this does make it slightly more environmentally friendly this is unfortunately offset by the manufacturing processes that are required to make it.



  • Manufacturing processes – UPVC decking is entirely man-made and is composed of polyvinyl chloride. During the manufacturing process of polyvinyl chloride, harmful toxins are released into the environment which contributes to air, land and water pollution. Pollution such as this leads to health problems and serious environmental damage.
  • Recyclability – in most cases UPVC decking can’t be recycled once it reaches the end of its service life. There are only two ways of disposing of it due to the fact it isn’t bio-degradable, landfills or incineration. Incineration means that the harmful chemicals used to create polyvinyl chloride are released into the environment as it’s burned, which causes pollution. When UPVC decking ends up in a landfill it will stay buried in the ground indefinitely as it doesn’t biodegrade.


Aluminium pros & cons


  • Long lifespan – aluminium decking has a very long lifespan meaning it doesn’t need to be replaced often which limits the amount of waste and scrap material that ends up in landfills.
  • Low-maintenance – as with composite decking, aluminium decking doesn’t need to be sealed or treated. This reduces its environmental impact by preventing harmful chemicals from treating products being released into the environment.
  • Easy to transport – aluminium decking is considered to be easy to transport which means that its carbon footprint is reduced.
  • Highly recyclable – aluminium can be recycled many times without the quality of the material being degraded. It’s estimated that 75% of all the aluminium that’s ever been produced is still being used today. When compared to producing new aluminium, recycling it reduces its energy footprint by up to 92%.


  • Aluminium extraction – when new aluminium is extracted a huge amount of energy is used in the process. This actually means that new aluminium has a higher energy footprint than most other decking materials. The mines from which it is sourced are also usually open-pit mines and strip mines. These cause massive damage to the environment and pollute the nearby forests, waterways and soil.



How long should composite decking last?

One of the main reasons that composite decking is environmentally-friendly is that it has a very long lifespan. You can expect our composite decks to last for between 2o and 25 years.

This means that they have to replace far less often than wooden deck boards which lessens their impact on the environment.


Does composite decking need to be sealed and stained?

One reason that composite decking is more environmentally-friendly than wood decking is the fact that it doesn’t need to be sealed or stained. This means that the harmful chemicals contained in many sealants and staining products aren’t released into the environment.

The reason that these products are harmful to the environment is the ingredients that are used to make them. Most of these products contain synthetic or natural resins, solvents, thinners, dyes, pigments and other harmful additives.


How do I maintain composite decking?

Composite decking requires very little maintenance and only needs to be cleaned around once every three to six months.

Unlike wood decking, you don’t need to use any harmful, chemical cleaning products to do this. You can simply clean composite decking with hot water and soap, or use a power washer.


Is composite decking toxic to humans?

Composite decking is made from wood fibres and plastic polymers that are not toxic to humans, animals or the environment.

No toxic chemicals are released into the environment during the manufacturing process and once composite decking is installed there is no risk of any harm to yourself or others.

It’s made using a co-extrusion process which doesn’t involve toxic chemicals. This is one of the reasons that it is much more environmentally friendly than other materials such as UPVC decking.


Final Thoughts

When compared to other materials, it’s clear that composite decking is amongst the most environmentally-friendly options available. As with all materials, there are some downsides but these are certainly outweighed by the positives.

UPVC decking and wood decking may have some benefits but they are far less environmentally-friendly than composite decking overall. In fact, UPVC decking appears to be the most harmful to the environment of all the materials that are used for decking.

So, if you’re looking for the most sustainable and environmentally-friendly option when building a deck, our composite decking is definitely the best choice for you! Why not get in touch today to get a free quote for your project?

Gary is the founder and CEO of Ecoscape UK. Gary graduated from Liverpool JM University in 2007 with a 2:1 in Economics. A passion for innovation, design and sustainability, Gary has put to market numerous wpc products/systems, some of which have UK and European registered designs. Outside of work Gary enjoys spending time with his family, the great outdoors and watching Manchester United.


Comments (27)

  1. Emma
    February 1, 2022

    “Great article on the environmental impact of composite decking! It’s reassuring to know that this option is made with recycled materials and has a lower impact on the environment compared to other decking materials. However, I’m curious about how to make sure I’m purchasing a product with a high percentage of recycled materials, like the one mentioned in the article. Overall, this post has definitely made me consider the environmental factors when choosing decking for my next project.”

  2. James
    February 11, 2022

    “Great article! It’s reassuring to know that composite decking is made with recycled materials and has less impact on the environment compared to other decking materials. However, I’m curious about how to purchase your composite decking and if there are any specific retailers or websites you recommend. I’m looking forward to making a more environmentally-friendly choice for my next decking project!”

    August 1, 2022

    “Thanks for this informative article on the environmental impact of composite decking. It’s great to know that this option is made from recycled materials and has less impact on the environment compared to other decking materials. However, I am curious about how to purchase this product. Can you provide any tips or resources for finding the most environmentally-friendly composite decking? Overall, this article has definitely made me consider the importance of choosing sustainable options for my projects.”

  4. J Maxwell
    November 25, 2022

    “Thank you for shedding light on the environmental impact of decking materials. As someone who is conscious about reducing my carbon footprint, I appreciate the use of recycled materials in composite decking. However, I am curious about the purchasing process for your specific product. Do you have any tips for ensuring that I am getting the most environmentally-friendly option? Overall, this article was informative and has made me consider composite decking for my future projects.”

  5. Gabrielle Khan
    December 31, 2022

    “Thank you for shedding light on the environmental impact of decking materials. It’s reassuring to know that composite decking is made from recycled materials and has a lower impact on the environment. However, I’m curious about the purchasing process for your specific composite decking. Is there a specific way to ensure that the product I’m buying is made with 95% recycled materials? Overall, this article has been informative and has made me consider the environmental impact of my decking choices.”

  6. Shaun Day
    February 19, 2023

    “Thanks for shedding light on the environmental impact of composite decking. It’s reassuring to know that this option is made with recycled materials and has a lower impact compared to other decking materials. However, I’m curious about how to purchase the product and ensure that it meets the high standards of being 95% recycled. Overall, this article has been informative and highlights the importance of considering the environmental impact of our choices. Great read!”

  7. Blair
    March 13, 2023

    “Great article on the environmental impact of composite decking! It’s reassuring to know that this option uses recycled materials and has a lower impact on the environment compared to other decking materials. However, I have a question about purchasing the product. Overall, I appreciate the informative and concise breakdown of the environmental friendliness of composite decking. It’s definitely something to consider for my next project.”

    • Nick Benn
      April 3, 2024

      That’s interesting to hear, but can you provide any sources or studies that support these claims? I want to make sure I’m making an informed decision when it comes to choosing decking materials.

  8. David Smith
    March 20, 2023

    “Thank you for shedding light on the environmental impact of decking materials. It’s reassuring to know that composite decking is made with recycled materials and has a lower impact on the environment. However, I am curious about the purchasing process for your specific composite decking. Is there a way to ensure that the product I am buying is made with 95% recycled materials? Overall, this article was informative and has made me more conscious of the environmental impact of my decking choices.”

  9. Malcolm Hoe
    April 10, 2023

    “Great read! It’s reassuring to know that composite decking is made with recycled materials and has a lower impact on the environment compared to other decking options. However, I’m curious about the purchasing process for this product. Is it readily available and easy to find? Overall, this article has definitely made me consider choosing composite decking for my future projects.”

  10. Marlow
    June 6, 2023

    “I found this article to be very informative and helpful in understanding the environmental impact of different decking materials. It’s great to know that composite decking is made with recycled materials and has a lower impact on the environment. However, I do have a question about how to purchase the product and ensure that it is made with a higher percentage of recycled materials. Overall, this article has raised my awareness about the importance of choosing environmentally-friendly options for our projects.”

  11. Dominyka
    June 29, 2023

    “Thank you for this informative article on the environmental impact of composite decking. It’s reassuring to know that your product is made with up to 95% recycled materials, making it a more eco-friendly option compared to other decking materials. I’m interested in purchasing composite decking for my project, but I’m wondering about the availability and pricing. Overall, this article has raised my awareness about the importance of choosing environmentally-friendly options and I look forward to considering your product for my project.”

  12. Wayne Pascoe
    July 14, 2023

    “Great article on the environmental impact of composite decking. It’s reassuring to know that this option is made with recycled materials and has a lower impact on the environment compared to other decking materials. However, I’m curious about the purchasing process for this product. Can you provide any insight or recommendations? Thanks for shedding light on this important topic.”

  13. Jenny
    July 26, 2023

    “Thank you for shedding light on the environmental impact of composite decking. It’s reassuring to know that this option is made with recycled materials and has a lower impact on the environment compared to other decking materials. However, I’m curious about how to ensure I’m purchasing the most environmentally-friendly composite decking. Perhaps providing tips or resources for making an informed purchase would be helpful. Overall, a well-researched and informative article.”

    August 16, 2023

    “Thank you for shedding light on the environmental impact of decking materials. It’s reassuring to know that composite decking is made with recycled materials and has less impact on the environment. However, I have a question about purchasing the product. Are there any specific factors to consider when choosing a more environmentally-friendly composite decking option? Overall, this article was informative and thought-provoking. It’s important for consumers to make conscious decisions about the products they use and their impact on the environment.”

    • NadiaLedger
      December 12, 2023

      Hi there, thank you for your comment and for bringing up an important question. When it comes to choosing a more environmentally-friendly composite decking option, there are a few factors to consider. First, look for decking that is made with a high percentage of recycled materials, as this reduces the demand for virgin materials and helps divert waste from landfills. Additionally, consider the manufacturing process of the decking and whether it uses sustainable practices and renewable energy sources. You can also look for certifications such as FSC or SFI, which ensure that the materials used are responsibly sourced. Overall, it’s great to see consumers like yourself taking the environmental impact of building materials into consideration. Thank you for your support in making more eco-friendly choices.

  15. Sam Sellers
    September 25, 2023

    “Great article! It’s reassuring to know that composite decking is made with recycled materials and has less impact on the environment compared to other decking options. However, I’m curious about the purchasing process for this product. Is it readily available and easy to find? I’ll definitely keep this in mind for my next project.”

    • NadiaLedger
      July 25, 2023

      Hi there! As a composite building supplies expert, I can assure you that the purchasing process for composite decking is fairly straightforward. Most major home improvement stores carry a variety of options, and there are also many specialty suppliers that focus solely on composite materials. Additionally, many manufacturers have online resources where you can easily browse and purchase their products. So rest assured, finding and purchasing composite decking for your next project should be a breeze! Thanks for your comment and for considering this eco-friendly option.

      • Craig
        March 11, 2023

        Hello! I appreciate your comment and I’m glad to hear that you have had a positive experience with purchasing composite decking. It’s great to know that major home improvement stores and specialty suppliers offer a wide range of options for customers to choose from. And with the convenience of online resources from manufacturers, it’s even easier to find and purchase the perfect composite decking for your project. Thank you for considering the eco-friendly option and for your support in using composite building supplies. Happy building!

  16. natasha stanbury
    September 25, 2023

    “Great article breaking down the environmental impact of different decking materials. It’s reassuring to know that composite decking is made with recycled plastic and wood fibers, making it a more sustainable option. However, I’m curious about the purchasing process for this product. Are there any specific steps or considerations to take to ensure I’m getting the most environmentally-friendly composite decking? Overall, this article has definitely made me more conscious of the materials I choose for my projects.”

  17. Darren Musgrave
    October 2, 2023

    “Great article! It’s reassuring to know that composite decking is made with recycled materials and has a lower impact on the environment compared to other decking options. However, I’m curious about the purchasing process for this product. Is it readily available in stores or do I need to order it directly from the company? Overall, it’s definitely worth considering composite decking for its environmental benefits.”

  18. David Antony Jones
    November 24, 2023

    As someone who has been in the composite building materials industry for over 15 years, I can confidently say that composite decking is indeed an environmentally-friendly option. In fact, I would go as far as to say that it is one of the most environmentally-friendly choices available in the decking market.

    The use of recycled plastic and reclaimed wood fibres in the production of composite decking is not only a smart solution for waste management, but it also results in a highly durable and long-lasting product. This means that you not only get a beautiful deck for your project, but you also contribute towards reducing your carbon footprint and minimizing waste.

    I do want to emphasize the importance of checking the percentage of recycled materials used in the composite decking you are considering. While some companies may claim to have eco-friendly products, their decking may only contain 80% recycled materials. This is where our composite decking stands out, as we use up to 95% recycled materials in our production process.

    But let’s not just focus on composite decking. It’s essential to also consider the environmental impacts of other decking materials. Traditional wood decking, for example, requires the cutting down of trees, which has a significant impact on our environment. Not to mention the maintenance and replacement costs that come with it.

    On the other hand, composite decking requires no trees to be cut down, and its longevity means less frequent replacements, resulting in less waste. It’s a win-win situation for both the environment and your wallet.

    In conclusion, I wholeheartedly support the idea of using composite decking as an environmentally-friendly option. Its use of recycled materials, durability, and low maintenance make it a sustainable choice for any project. So, if you’re looking to lessen your carbon footprint and contribute towards a greener future, composite decking is the way to go.

  19. Stephen Myatt
    February 4, 2024

    I found this article on composite decking to be incredibly informative and eye-opening. As someone who is always looking for ways to reduce my carbon footprint, I was pleased to learn that composite decking is made with recycled plastic and reclaimed wood fibers. This not only makes it a durable and long-lasting option, but also a more environmentally-friendly one compared to other decking materials. It’s concerning to know that some companies only use 80% recycled materials in their composite decks, but I’m glad to hear that yours uses up to 95%. It’s important for consumers to be aware of the environmental impact of the products they use, and this article does a great job of breaking it down. Thank you for shedding light on this topic.

  20. Harrison chambers
    February 24, 2024

    “Great read! It’s reassuring to know that composite decking is made from recycled materials and has less impact on the environment compared to other decking options. I’m definitely considering it for my next project. However, I’m curious about the purchasing process and whether there are any specific companies that use a higher percentage of recycled materials. Overall, this article has shed light on the importance of choosing environmentally-friendly products. Thank you for sharing this informative piece!”

  21. Kerry Doig
    February 26, 2024

    “Great article on the environmental impact of composite decking! It’s reassuring to know that this product is made with recycled materials and has a lower impact on the environment compared to other decking materials. I’m interested in purchasing composite decking for my project, but I’m wondering how I can ensure that the product I choose is made with at least 95% recycled materials like yours. Thank you for shedding light on this important topic!”

  22. Guy
    March 16, 2024

    “Thank you for shedding light on the environmental impact of decking materials. It’s reassuring to know that composite decking is made with recycled plastic and wood fibers, making it a more sustainable option. However, I’m curious about the purchasing process and how to ensure I’m getting a product with a high percentage of recycled materials. Overall, this article has been informative and has made me more conscious of the environmental impact of my choices.”

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